Camden County Band Boosters
The Camden County Band Boosters, is a supporting organization to the Camden County High School, Camden Middle School and St. Marys Middle School band programs (marching and concert), and is a 501(c)(3) charity incorporated in the State of Georgia.
Band Boosters support the Camden County Schools Band Programs by:
Providing funds to support events and needs that are not directly funded by Band fees or school budget, ensuring that the students have every opportunity to participate in a high quality band program.
Ensuring that no student is denied the opportunity to participate in the band program due to financial limitations.
Recognition of students demonstrating excellence by being selected for Honor Bands, including recognition awards and providing funds to travel and attend Honor Band clinics.
Supporting of middle school band programs, recognizing the middle school program importance to high school band performance.
Supporting Band participation in Winterguard (visual/guard competition), enhancing guard performance at marching band competitions.
Subsidizing student costs for food during competitions and away football games.
Providing scholarships for students working to improve skills by attending summer camps or participating in lessons
Ensuring equipment and instruments are in good repair.